It is only when we quiet our minds and listen with our hearts that we can hear an ever-present cry for longing; a longing for the ecstasy felt when we allow our souls to reach out and embrace one-another. This longing is not a dull roar, lost amidst the bustle of life. Nay! It is a scream that resounds within us all, which we have subconsciously learned to ignore or project as a disquiet rooted in the inherent suffering that is to be human. Let not your screams be lost to the night. Let not your soul be deprived of the companionship of the souls around you. Believe not that the upset that you feel in what should be your perfect world, is just the distant cry of a poor being wandering through the cold, dark night. That cry is you. That scream is you. That hand, reaching for the warm and loving embrace of another is you. Realize this, and you will begin to see people in light anew. We are all just souls, searching in the night. And some of us? Some of us are lucky enough to find one-another.
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